Together as One

Together as One

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Festival

Palm Grove Youth and Sponsors hosted the
Palm Grove Fall Festival...
Everyone was welcome to bring their own lawn chair and enjoy some food and festivities.
Normally this is done as a fund raiser for the youth but this area can become
"Fund Raiser Heaven" during the winter months so the youth and sponsors
decided to do it as an act of service to the church,
especially keeping in mind those with families
or  those feeling a financial crunch right now.
The youth worked in teams and came up with their own 'booth'.
They were quite creative and came up with some very interesting things!
At the front gate we had paper bags for the little kids to put all their prizes in.
Most of the youth kids had prizes at their booths.
"Let the evening begin..."
This was a balance beam and the goal was to knock your opponent off.
These were sticks wrapped in foam cushion so it didn't get too violent.

Here was a cornhole tournament... but it got dark before the tournament was over.

Here you could get a homemade smoothie..."Detwiler Style"!

An old-fashioned apple bobbing...

What?!  An "ANGRY BIRDS" game at a festival?! 
Sure, I'll try that!

And a "Toilet Paper Toss"...
Yep, real toilet paper, real toilet seat!!

Hamburgers, Hotdogs, French Fries, and lots of beverages...

Good fellowship!

Here you could win a prize if you could throw
a ping pong ball into a fish bowl!
Archery skills tested here...

Fancy face painting done here...

Here you could buy a raffle ticket for $1.00 and have a chance to
win a prize every 30 minutes...

A good festival MUST have FOOD!!!

At the Photo Booth some crazy things happened...
(our deacon and wife?!)

...a couple probably off the street that we probably don't know!! 
 Mobster Mother and Daughter!!
The photographers tried to find time for a break...

but we always hunted them down and made them
come back because of the lines of people
waiting to have their pictures done!

 (Do tell!! The pastors and their wives?!)
Isn't this just too adorable?!

Deacon? Sponsors?  Surely not!
A combination family of mobsters and street gear! 
Here you could ring a pumpkin and win a prize...
Wait! You could even win a prize for trying!!

The "Office"...

A softball toss....although this looks like a frisbee to me!
Guess who won a cupcake at the "Cupcake Walk"?!

...and the "Guard Dog on Patrol" a.k.a. "Riley"...
making sure order was kept! 
One thing we regretted was that we wanted to go around
 and try all the different things ourselves but by the time we were all set up...
it was time to open!!
We'll know better for next time! :)
Donations were accepted but not necessarily expected.
We wanted to make it a fun night where people could come
and enjoy a relaxing evening with family and friends
but not have to spend a lot of money.
We were blessed beyond measure and
were amazed at how the blessing came back to us!
Detwiler's Market astounded us by their generosity!
They allowed us to use anything we wanted from their market for decor
and they also donated all the fruit for our smoothies!
John Yoder, once again, did all our grilling!
Another couple surprized us by donating all the meat for the sandwiches
 so the youth ended up having some money left over for the Youth Fund!!
Thank  You!!
We were definitely challenged to have a more giving spirit about us!
We opened the gates at 4:00 p.m. and the sun went down soon after 7:00.
The youth kids started cleaning up around 7:30 and most of us
were on our way home by 8:30.
We saw again how many willing hearts working together
make a big job seem small!
Plan on joining us next fall...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"What did our Founding Fathers believe?"

At the risk of sounding controversial
 I shall attempt to share a small part of what we have been studying in History. 
I have always believed that America was founded by Christian leaders.  Growing up, most of my learning has been through Christian schooling; and in our homeschooling we have used Christian resources.
We are currently studying the presidents of America and just going on-line and using 'wikipedia'.
To my shock:
Chrisitianity is not what I'm finding.
I was first made aware of this several years ago when we were at a conference in Nashville, Tn. 
We were near the residence of President Jackson so were able to enjoy a tour of his place. 
I had heard of his outstanding love letters written to his wife and how they were being used as a model for husbands to write love letters to their wives.
He also was portrayed as being a
good Christian husband and leader and I was looking forward to seeing his museum, etc.
I was shocked by how differently he was
portrayed by the secular world.
"Christian" was not the word they used.
"Adultery and Hot-tempered" were their words. 
His "wife" was a wife of another man with whom he was living in an adulterous relationship with. 
The world considered it a very scandalous affair. 
 He also was known for his hot temper and several men were killed when his temper was enraged
and in duels with him. 
He did not treat his slaves with kindness.
Where does "Chrisitan" fit into all of this? 
 I was quite puzzled.
Now as we are studying the early presidents a.k.a. "Our Founding Fathers", I am again quite puzzled.
Presidents Washington (1st), Jefferson (3rd), Madison (4th), and Monroe (5th) were Deists.
What are Deists?
Deists believe in one God, but do not believe in supernatural events such as miracles; they do not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture or in the Trinity.
Presidents John Adams (2nd) and
John Quincy Adams (6th) were Unitarians.
What are Unitarians?
Unitarians do not accept the Godhood of Jesus.  They do not believe in the Trinity.  They maintain that Jesus was a great man and a prophet of God, even a supernatural being, but not God Himself.
I am baffled. 
 I do believe that Christian principles were used
when our nation was established
but  it appears here that our "Founding Fathers" didn't even profess to be Christians.
Several of them are believed to have fathered a number of children through slave women and one is believed to have sold his own children.
John Quincy Adams took his oath of office on a book of laws instead of the Bible.
I was also disappointed in what I read about their families.  What kind of fathers were they?
I would encourage you to go look. 
Am I studying in the wrong places or
why do I feel so misguided?
The lesson for me is to check more carefully what my kids are being taught and what we are using for resources. 
Just because it says "Christian" doesn't make it "Christian".
Happy studying in the days ahead!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"To Vote or not to Vote"

Look around you!
Disrespect for authority had probably never been greater than it is now.  It seems to grow  daily.  More than ever, our society seems to be driven by the spirit of rebellion and the pursuit of
 "personal freedoms" and "individual rights".
Is it true that Christians have a spiritual duty to make this world's governments better?  Does Christ want you to write your congressman about issues you want addressed?
What should a Christian's relationship be to our country's government?  Do we have a responsibility to reform it?  Are we free to speak evil of individuals in authority
if we do not like what they do?
What about Romans 13:1-7?
"Everyone must submit to governing authorities.  For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished" (KJV says they receive damnation to themselves.).  For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong.  Do what is right, and they will honor you.  The authorities are God's servants, sent for your good.  But if you are doing wrong, of course, you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you.  They are God's servants sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.  So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.  Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons.  For governments need to be paid.  They are serving God in what they do.  Give to everyone what you owe them:  pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect
 and honor to those who are in authority.
These Scriptures contain much to consider.  They leave no question that all people--including Christians--
 are subject to the governing authorities. 
To resist them, God says, is to "resist.....God." 
 This is serious! 
Have you ever wondered who selects the leaders of the countries on earth?  Do men ultimately select kings, presidents, prime ministers, and other rulers?    Benjamin Franklin once said, "The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs the affairs of man; and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that the empire can rise without His aid?" 
Daniel 4:17 states, "He (God) removes kings and sets up kings".  There is no misunderstanding this verse. 
 GOD establishes and removes kings and kingdoms. 
 If God chooses to place the weakest humans in office, because He may feel this is who the people deserve,
then it is His prerogative to do so.
Men may come to power in different ways, deceit, dishonesty, etc., but these things are allowed by God for His great, overall purpose.
By respecting those who hold offices through the authority and permission of God, we actually show respect to God Himself.  While their personal conduct may be far from praiseworthy, even to the point of corrupting the government they represent, they are still appointed by God to preserve order and punish law-breakers and wrong doers.  When leaders are self-serving- or even down right devilish- it is God's responsibility to remove them---not ours!
Peter spoke of those who "despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries". (II Peter 2:10)  Some people utter outrageous slander against those in authority-- for real or imagined wrongs.  They "presume" that it is alright to do this, lacking the fear necessary to hold them back in their attacks against dignitaries.
Paul wrote, "Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, TO SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN, to be no brawlers, but gentle, showing meekness unto all men".  (Titus 3:1-2) 
Do you reflect cynicism, bitterness,
anger and accusation toward others? 
What about "SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN"?
Peter also gave important instructions about what God expects of Christians in their responsibilty toward civil authorities. He wrote, "SUBMIT yourselves unto every ordinance of man, FOR THE LORD'S SAKE: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well. 
 For so is the will of God, that with welldoing
you may put to silence the igorance of foolish men....
Honor all men.  Love the brotherhood. 
 Fear God.  Honor the king.  (I Peter 2:13-15, 17)
The Christian's responsibility does not end with mere obedience to government authority.  Paul actually tells us to PRAY for those in authority-- and includes a secific reason.  
 He states, "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all those that are in authority;  that we may lead a quiet and preaceable life in all godliness and honesty." 
(I Tim. 2:1-2)
It is so important that we do not forget this responsibility.
Do we really believe in the power of prayer?
Can you imagine what it would be like to be a leader of a country?
You would always have people mad at you, always criticizing you, always telling you how things should be done.
You and your family's lives could be threatened at any time.
I can only imagine that it would feel so good to a leader to know that Christians are praying for  him and his family.
Sadly though, some Christians are his worst criticizers!
What about voting?
Please don't throw me under the bus because I don't vote. 
I believe the most powerful thing a Christian can do is PRAY!
No, I didn't say pray and vote.  God doesn't need my vote.  He has no problem putting into office who He chooses to put in. 
"He (not we) sets up kings and takes down kings."
I completely believe that God has already chosen
 the next president of the United States of America
and He will put him into office.
Several years ago a friend of ours challenged us to read the small print on Florida's Voter's Registration.
Did you know when you register to vote you take an oath?
Check out what Scripture says about oaths.
Did you also know that you swear/affirm to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?
Are you ready to defend our Constitution?
How would you defend it?
This leads into a whole new subject for another time...
 Chrisitans and Force....
are we non-resistant anymore?
It troubles me that many 'Christians' decide they are going to vote and defend without studying the Scriptures to see what God says about these subjects.  I'm afraid we may someday pay a high price for the decisions we are lightly making today.
I believe that, as Christians, we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom.  We are strangers and pilgrims only passing through this world's kingdom. We are not to become entangled with the affairs of this world. I think of it when we travel through Atlanta, Georgia or other cities.  We just travel through. We try to be Christ's ambassadors and witnesses there;
but we do not stop to see how their goverments are running. 
 We are not citizens of Atlanta....only travelers passing through.
Consider your attitude toward government.
Have your prayed for our leaders as Christ has commanded us to?
Or have you criticized and slandered them?
Do you think by criticizing them
somehow you can make them better? 
As we approach November and election,
 I challenge you to pray and ask God to put into office
the man HE has chosen to rule our country.
And then I challenge you further,
to PRAY for our new president like never before. 
God's already got it covered!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grandparents Day

Sunday was "Grandparents Day" and Sunday night's program was focused on Grandparents.  It got me to thinking...

One of the prayers of my life is that our faith in God would be passed on to our third and fourth generations and that our children and their children would 'stand on our shoulders' and go even deeper into God's Word and in Faith. 
I like how one evangelist put it: 
 "Don't focus so much on what your parents didn't do right...stand on their shoulders (what they did right) and go higher and beyond where they did."
I find that so exciting and encouraging!

I've also think alot of the decisions we make today will have an effect on the future generations, whether for good or bad.  Many times it is the 'small' decisions that we are careless with or think will only affect us. 
As different ones were sharing Sunday night, my thoughts went to my grandparents.  I never knew any of my great-grandparents. My Grandpa Yoder died when my dad was only six years old, so I knew nothing of him and Grandma Yoder died when I was very young.  I have one picture of her in my mind; standing on our front porch ( a little, Amish woman) waiting for my dad to pull the car up front and pick her up for church.  Grandpa Wagler passed away when I was quite young, too, although I have some memories of him.  He always seemed a little strict to me and I was a wee bit afraid of him.  He always cleared his throat a certain way... which I still hear in the uncles, aunts, and yes, grandchildren! ha!  Grandma Wagler let us grandchildren have the run of the house and be as loud as we wished but Grandpa didn't care for that as much.  I remember when we would visit them,we would always all kneel in prayer in the living room and Grandpa would pray before we went to bed.  I remember Grandpa coming to visit us and then he would do funny things; like trying to ride my brothers' bikes!  I watched in awe because I thought Grandpas were too old to do things like that.

Mom told me that Grandpa Wagler made a decision when his children were young that his children would not practice bed courtship (which was an Amish tradition at that time). He took a stand for that and was questioned and ridiculed for it.  Grandpa had no idea then that so many years later, I, his grand daughter, and my children, his great-grandchildren, would know about his willingness to stand alone.  Bed courtship is now something completely foreign to us.  The iniquities of the fathers can be passed on to the third and fourth generations but they don't have to be!  They can be broken and stopped! We have to recognize them, acknowledge them, repent and ask God to break their strongholds on us.  One generational iniquity that our family has faced and acknowledged is....worry!  I could be the queen of worry!  I know how to do it well!! But I am commanded in God's Word not to worry or fret about tomorrow (or today!) and with God's power, I don't have to!  It's been a journey and each of our children have had to address this iniquity.  It's been so encouraging and humbling to see them rise above it.  At present, Erica is addressing it in her life but such a joy to see God replace worry with faith and trust.  I pray that the stronghold of worry will become weaker and weaker in the coming generations.

What will my great-grandchildren know about me?
I wonder how the decisions I am making today will affect them.  If I am compromising God's Word, thinking that it really doesn't matter, can I expect to have great-grandchildren who have respect and honor for God's Word?  Is it possible they could be completely heathen or even atheists?!  Sounds extreme but possible? Or will they hear of their great-grandparents who followed God faithfully in the little areas and decisions of every day life? 
 I wonder.......... 
and it keeps me on my knees crying out to God
 to help me realize how much I need Him
to guide my decisions every day!
Exodus 34:6-7  "...The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keepin mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;
 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
and upon the children's children,
unto the third and fourth generation."

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's hot off the press!!!

At last....
"The Twig that would not Bend"

Approx. 12-13 years ago my  Dad began to write his life story.  One of his dreams was to see it printed. 

Taking all his manuscripts I typed it on the computer for him.  Every  winter we would spend time working on his manuscripts...adding, critiquing, correcting,
 looking for more information and details,
editing out things we didn't want after all, etc...
About five years ago I decided to play with his story and see how it would sound in story form (third person) instead of first person (I).
We all kind of liked it so on we went. 
 As a story it needed more details and more information
 so each year we would try to add more. 

 Every person really should have their life story written. 
 We each live such unique lives and have things of interest that the future generations should know about.

Here are some interesting facts about my dad:
He was born into an Amish home as the youngest of six children.  His father was an Amish minister and died when Dad was six years old.  His family house and barn burned to the ground one year and the fire threatened to burn down the entire town nearby.
Dad was drafted into the army, registered as a
Conscientious Objector to war but it was not accepted. 
He served two years of a five year sentence in state prisons. 
 Pleasant experience? No, but beyond price now.
He and Mom were married at ages 32 and 29
and welcomed eight children into their home.
  He sometimes worked two jobs to provide for his family. 
Our family lived in ....Hillsdale/Jerome, Michigan...
Seymour, Missouri and Faiview, Michigan.
(If you are from any of these areas you may be familiar with some happenings and people mentioned in the book.)

May I present to you.....

Last summer Dad spent a week in the hospital and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.  Nagging my mind were the thoughts of how near we were to being finished with his book and how sad if he would pass on to glory before he saw it completed. 
I know in glory none of this matters anymore
but those of us left behind would regret it.
I determined that by the power and grace of God
 we would try to bring it to a close when they were here this winter.

This past winter was an exceptionally busy winter but before they left this spring.....we declared it finished!!
Dad and Mom don't know a whole lot about computer language but when they found out the files had been emailed to Carlisle Printing
they were quite happy and all of us breathed a sigh of relief and almost pinched ourselves to believe that it was actually happening.
Mom put alot of time into this book, too.
 Writing, editing, remembering, etc. 

His dream had become our dream and
has now become a reality!

Carlisle Printing from Sugarcreek, Ohio
 has been a joy to work with. 
They treated Dad and Mom with utmost respect
and were very interested in Dad's story.

The books are available for $5.00 each if you pick them up directly.
It will cost an additional $3.00 to have one mailed.

There is a limited supply of them
and they are available through:

Aaron & Sylvia Yoder (pick up only)
Fairview, Michigan
(until Sept. 1st)

Brenda Troyer (pick up only)
Holmes County, Ohio

To have books shipped or for pick up:
Mary Ann Weaver
2513 Wells Ave.
Sarasota, Fl. 34232
text, call, email, or facebook

We experienced several obstacles in actually getting the books sent down here and it was an emotinally moving experience for me to actually see and hold this book that we had invested so much in.
Dad sent us a personally autographed one. 
This will hopefully be a family heirloom
 for future generations in our family.
Dad and Mom's legacy will live on...

It was also moving because....
I have a dream, too!

Someday I hope to write a series on the
...beginning with my story!
I have had such an interesting life so for years
I periodically record interesting happenings in journals,
hoping to someday put them into story form.
and then maybe someday beyond that I will write the

For now though...
it's just a dream!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Honoring our Men

After enjoying a pampering time on our girls' weekend away.......we wanted to share it with our men at home.  We planned a special evening at home last night.  First we served them taco salad and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.  Then we made some cool drinks for them and popcorn. And then...

Oh my word.....did they ever eat it up!!  We didn't know how well they would receive it, as men, but they ate it right up and possibly enjoyed it more than we wanted them to.....we heard comments about maybe this being a weekly thing!!

Dustin, Duane, and Riley

Derek and Kyle

JR and Erica
(We stole JR away from his studying for a brief time)

KaShondra and I

Look at them!  Loving every bit of it!!
Even admitted how good it felt and smelled!

Look at those smiles!

The lotion station...
not to worry, it was unscented or masculine scented!

...should have taken their phones away.

Boy, will he ever be able to study anew now!

Gotta pamper the workers, too!


Sure enjoy candles and nice things, too!

Dare you to try it on your men!
Spoil them a little!  They work hard!

We are blessed with men in our family who pamper us and treat us like queens and princesses (most of the time!)  :)
They work hard to provide for us, they take time to listen to us,
 are interested in what we have to say, 
are respectful to us, and love us.  
What a small way of showing honor to them!
We think of men of being tough and not enjoying the finer things in life, but their feet get weary and tired, too, and there is nothing unmasculine about a good, hot, foot soak and scrub.

Now....that was a good thing but how are we going
to get out of this being a weekly thing?!!!