Together as One

Together as One

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anointing with Oil

James 5:13-16
"Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry?  let him sing psalms.
Is any sick among you?  
let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over him, 
anointing him with oil in the 
name of the Lord:
and the prayer of faith shall save the sick,
and the Lord shall raise him up;
and if he hath committed sins,
they shall be forgiven him.
Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much."

Are these verses for us today or was this just for their culture?  Is this a command or just a suggestion to use when all else fails?  
Do I actually need to call for the elders or can we just practice it privately as a family or perhaps just anoint myself in my heart?
What's so powerful about oil?  Can't I just pray in faith?

I have a kidney stone and I have called for the elders to come tonight to anoint me with oil to be healed.  You know, it takes a lot of humility to ask someone to come anoint you.  If you have never done it, then you might not understand why that would take humility, but just take it from me, there is something about it that requires humility.
What if I didn't like my elders/pastors?  What if I was at odds with them?  How would I go about asking them to anoint me with oil?  Don't worry, I'm not!  Just presenting a scenario.

Does the oil actually heal?  No, oil doesn't heal but for some reason God did say the elders/pastors should anoint the sick with oil in the name of the Lord.
BUT....the prayer of faith shall save the sick.  We should not eliminate the oil just because we don't understand it's role here but neither should we put our faith in the oil.  It's the prayer of faith, the anointing of oil, and simple obedience, too.

Hmm, what about confessing our faults to one another here?  ...that ye may be healed.  I've been to several anointing services where these steps were all followed and a time of confession was given; there was something very beautiful about it.  And yes, I've seen miraculous healings, too.  

If you do all this, does it guarantee that God will heal you?  It does say it SHALL save the sick but our human tendency likes to leave some loopholes for God, too.   
 I want to, and do, believe this but I also want to give God the power to decide when to instantly heal, when to gradually heal, when to use doctors to bring healing, and when to say "No" to my request.

I desire to follow this Scripture and would love if you would join us in praying for this kidney stone to be gone! 
 I am also working with an urologist and have an appointment to see him tomorrow.  He had recommended a procedure to blow the stone up but the hospital wants $10,000 up problem, anyone have an extra $10.000 lying around?  Ha!

BUT   GOD!  

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Gift of Serving

Timothy best illustrates the motivational gift of serving.  Servers are needed in every church body.  What would a body be without servers?

* A Server sees and meets practical needs.
Important needs that seem insignificant to others catch the eye and attention of the server.  These needs are usually physical; however, the server knows by meeting them he will bring spiritual encouragement and strength to those who receive his help.  Timothy's serving ability is noted by Paul:  "For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state."  Phil. 2:20
...But Servers tend to give unrequested help.
Sometimes the tasks that the server sees appear to be more important than the one being served.  it may even be that the one who has needs is not aware of them to the degree that the server is aware of them.  In either case, a server who uses his initiative to these needs may be judged as pushy or intrusive.

* A Server frees others to achieve.
The joy of the server is not just found in initiating tasks but in knowing that through them he is bringing peace of mind to another person, which will allow that person to be more productive in the tasks God has called him to do.  Timothy served Paul so that Paul could carry out his ministry.  His serving was "as a son with the father".  Phil. 2:22
...But a Server tends to let things be too important.
In order to meet the needs of others, servers will often neglect their own homes and personal responsibilities.  They will meet others' needs, but leave their families' needs unmet.  This transfer of attention may cause reaction by the server's family and the feeling by the one being served that too much attention is being put on physical things.

*A Server disregards weariness.
Because the server sees the importance of the tasks that he has begun, he will freely use up personal assets of time, money, and strength. His focus is not on himself but rather on the completion of tasks, which he knows will benefit the individual and bring joy to himself.
...and a Server tends to work beyond his physical limits.
Inner tension that often results in physical ailments, especially stomach problems, frequently occur in servers.  This condition is the consequence of overextending themselves on one job or taking on too many jobs.  We know Timothy had physical ailments, Paul instructed Timothy to take "a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities". 

* A Server finds it difficult to say "No".
As the server effectively meets one need, others may ask for similar help, not realizing the inner motivation of the server.  These requests, however, are difficult to turn down because they represent needs, and the server feels obligated to meet needs, since he was asked to do so.
...and a Server tends to neglect God-given priorities.
Servers are often placed in positions of responsibility because they are diligent workers.  It is then easy for them to volunteer a helping hand or become involved in tasks that they should be delegating to others.  This imbalance causes the server's authority to become frustrated because tasks assigned to the server are not completed on schedule.

*A Server is alert to likes and dislikes.
Those with the gift of serving have an amazing ability to find out and remember the special interests of the people they serve.  Thus, birthdays and anniversaries tend to be special occasions for them.  They can often recall an individual's favorite foods, special colors, types of home furnishings, and favorite activities and use this knowledge in making occasions special.
...but Servers to to react to overlooked needs.
A Server may react to people around him who, in his judgment, walk past obvious needs.  He assumes that others see what he sees.  If he tells someone about a need and that person does not follow through on the suggestion to meet that need, the server may become resentful.

* A Server needs approval.
Appreciation confirms to the server that his work is necessary and that it is bring blessed by the Lord.  The server also desires clear direction.  Paul gave Timothy more praise and precise instructions than he gave an other assistant.  Servers prefer working with a person rather than for a person.
...but Servers tend to resent lack of appreciation.
If a Server is given a physical job simply because he is a server and is expected to get his joy from doing it, he may feel misused and react in anger. He will then fail to remember that he is working for the Lord.  A server's perspective may also be lost if the one whom he is serving is not making wise use of his time.

* A Server likes short-range projects.
The tasks that attract a server are usually immediate needs.  The Server often becomes frustrated with long-range planning or an ongoing task that seems to make no obvious progress.  Timothy was urged to maintain endurance as a good soldier and to continue in the calling that he was given of God.
...but a Server tends to work people around his schedule.
Because of the server's lack of desire or ability to properly delegate tasks, he will often develop his own time schedule and force others to adapt to it.  Lack of delegation may also hinder the family from feeling involved in his serving and cause them instead to feel that they are taken for granted.

* A Server puts extra touches to jobs.
The server knows that by doing more than is expected he not only will delight the one being served but will demonstrate that he is doing it unto the Lord.  For a server "going the extra mile" may be trimming and sweeping after mowing the lawn or putting a bow around a lunch box.
....but Servers tend to be frustrated with time limits.
A Server may react to a rigid schedule, not realizing that it is for his own protection.  He may feel that it hinders him from the joy of additional serving.  Twice, Timothy was told by Paul not to get side tracked.  "Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me...Do thy diligence to come before winter." 

* A Server meets needs quickly.
In an effort to complete tasks a server will try to avoid committees and what to him appear to be unnecessary "red tape".  In order to avoid delays, the server will use personal funds.
...but Servers tend to interfere with God's discipline.
The purposes of God may be frustrated when a server meets a need that God allowed in a person's life to bring about repentance.  If a server could have met the physical needs of the prodigal son while he was in the pigs sty, it could have hindered his return.

___You notice practical needs of others and enjoy meeting them.
___You enjoy serving to free others for more important things.
___You sometimes go beyond your physical strength in serving others.
___You can remember the likes and dislikes of others.
___You can usually detect ways to serve before anyone else does.
___You will even use your own funds to get a job done quickly.
___You do not mind doing jobs by yourself.
___You do not want public praise, but you do need to feel appreciated.
___You find it difficult to say no to those who ask for help.
___You like to put "extra touches' on the jobs you do.

Wow, how important the Servers job is.  How would a church function without those who see the needs and are quick to go meet those needs.  Sometimes when we look at life through the server's eyes we can become frustrated with how 'ignorant' others are or how un-caring they seem to oblivious to people's needs. Instead of becoming resentful servers need to realize that God gave them the gift of serving and designed them to alert others to the needs, and then recognize that other's are looking through the eyes of their giftings.

Again, as with prophecy, we are all called to serve, whether it is our spiritual gift or not.  Servers need accountability because of their tendency to neglect their first responsibilities, their own homes and families.

Who are the SERVERS in your life?  
Acknowledge them and let them know how important they are in the Body!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Gift of Prophecy

Peter in the New Testament probably best illustrates the motivational gift of Prophecy.  Sometimes I think Prophets get a bad rap for being outspoken and yet, sometimes they are because of their tendency to speak out of the flesh instead of the Spirit.

 Spirit controlled prophets are needed in the Church today.  They also need the gift of mercy so they don't act out of their flesh.  They are able to discern quickly when something is error and are able to expose it.  Most prophets in the Old Testament were hated by others because of their warnings about coming judgments.  I think they must have been lonely many times and yet they were willing to proclaim what God had told them to do.

*Prophets need to express themselves.
     They need to express their thoughts and ideas verbally, especially when it comes to matters of right and wrong.  In the Gospels, Peter spoke more often than any other disciple.  He also became the spokesman for the early Church.
...but Prophets tend to expose without restoring.
a prophet's primary concern about stopping the spread of evil tends to motivate him to expose a sinner rather than restore him. In so doing, he will fail a test of spirituality.  He, however, believes that exposure of sin is the first step of restoration.

*Prophets make quick impressions of people.
    They tend to make quick judgments about what they see and hear.  They also tend to express their views before others speak.  Peter spoke more than any other disciple did.
...but Prophets tend to jump to conclusions.
They tend to draw conclusions from a few known facts.  Once a hasty conclusion has been made, prophets tend to look for confirming evidence.  This can result in their taking words and actions of the accused out of context in order to prove their point.

*Prophets are alert to dishonesty.
    They have an amazing ability to sense when someone or something is not what it appears to be.  They react strongly to any form of deception or dishonesty.  Peter must have seen deception in Ananias and Sapphira since he was prompted to question them about it.  His condemnation resulted in their deaths.
...but Prophets tend to react harshly to sinners.
When a prophet sees sin, he tends to denounce it so strongly that it appears to others as "overkill".  After exposing the sin, the prophet tends to expect immediate repentance regardless of whether his rebuke was given in love or was even fully accurate.  His motive in magnifying sin is to promote repentance.

*Prophets desire justice.
    They tend to cut off those who sin so that justice will be done and others will be warned.  Peter desired to cut off his offenders, and he asked Jesus how often he would have to forgive them.  A prophet knows that "a little leaven leavens the whole lump".
...but Prophets can be unforgiving.
It is difficult for a prophet to make a separation between sin and the sinner.  He tends to reject both with equal vigor.  Those who hear his harshness interpret his denunciation as angry tirades.  Peter's epistles provide a balance of truth and love.

*Prophets are open about their own faults.
    They are as open about their own failures as they want others to be about theirs.  When Christ appeared to the disciples, Peter fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord."
...but Prophets tend to condemn themselves.
The harsh judgments that prophets have for others, they also have for themselves.  They tend to be extremely self-critical and feel worthless when they fail.  After Peter denied Jesus, the heavenly messenger who proclaimed the Lord's resurrection knew Peter's need for extra reassurance of God's Love and said..."Go...tell his disciples and Peter..."

*Prophets want wholehearted involvement.
    Once prophets are committed to a cause, the are wholeheartedly involved in it.  Within the context of their commitment, the are quick to respond to situations and opportunities.  When Peter recognized Jesus walking on the water, he asked Jesus to bid him to come.
...but Prophets tend to be impetuous.
Because of his tendency to make quick decisions, a prophet can be impulsive and can vacillate between extremes.  At first Peter refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet; then he asked Jesus to wash his whole body.

*Prophets are loyal to Truth vs. People.
    They are loyal to truth even if it means cutting off relationships.  When Jesus asked the disciples if they were also going to leave Him, Peter replied that he would stay because Christ had the words of eternal life.
...but Prophets tend to cut off people who fail.
Whenever prophets see or hear something that is wrong, they feel responsible to speak out against it.  It does not occur to them to ask:  "Whose responsibility is this?  Do I have all the facts?  Do I need to take action at this time?"

*Prophets are willing to suffer for right.
    They are eager to suffer when it comes to standing for the truth or doing what is right.  Peter rejoiced that he was counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus when he was beaten for obeying God rather than men.
...but Prophets can lack tactfulness in rebuke.
They tend to be painfully direct when correcting others, regardless of who they are.  This bluntness can cause the prophet embarrassment, as when Peter rebuked Jesus.

*Prophets are persuasive in defining Truth.
    They have a special ability to be articulate in defining what is right and what is wrong.  Great conviction was brought to thousands of the Day of Pentecost when Peter pointed out ... "Ye have taken (Jesus), and by wicked hands have crucified and slain (Him)."
...but Prophets tend to dwell on the negative.
Prophets tend to divide everything into two classes-- right or wrong.  Once the label a person or activity, that judgment tends to be fixed in their minds, and they often feel compelled to persuade others to agree with them.

___You see actions as right or wrong.
___You react strongly to people who are not what they appear to be.
___You can usually detect when something is not what it appears to be.
___You can quickly discern a person's character.
___You feel a responsibility to correct those who do wrong.
___You separate yourself from those who refuse to repent of evil.
___You explain what is wrong with an item before you sell it.
___You let people know how you feel about important issues.
___You enjoy people who are completely honest with you.
___You are quick to judge yourself when you fail.
___You are willing to do right even if it means suffering along for it.

Is there someone in your church who seems to be quick to discern right, wrong, truth and deception?  If he/she is a Spirit filled person, do not turn them away.  Listen to them!  Sometimes they bring messages we don't want to hear.  Sometimes we like our world where right and wrong, truth and deception are not easily determined.  In our world today, someone who stands for something (Truth) sounds really refreshing!

As born again Believers we are all called to be Prophets, for some of us it just comes harder than for others.  We are all to call evil, evil and good, good.  We are all called to follow truth and despise sin.
If your spiritual gift is not Prophecy, then you need to ask God to grow that in you.  He will!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spiritual Gifts

What is your spiritual gift?
Some people can make too much out of spiritual gifts and cannot serve in any capacity of church unless it is their 'gifting', while others make too little of spiritual gifts and act like it isn't in Scripture.  

Recently I was reading in Romans 12.  Each member of the Body is so important and is needed.  Without each member the whole body suffers.  I was really made aware of that again recently when my kidney produced a stone which caused pain through out my whole body.  Now the kidney could say "I'm no one important, no one even sees me.  I'm quitting!  I want to be a hand, it gets all the attention and gets to do everything." So off duty goes the kidney.  Or the kidney can bitterly do the work of a kidney but produce a stone.  What will a little stone hurt?  Can't a kidney have a life of it's own and do kidney work the way it wants to?  It surely won't affect anyone else....wrong, wrong, wrong.  What I do does affect the whole body, whether I quit all together or if I have an independent spirit and don't operate with the rest of my members.  Very soon the whole body is one else can do the work of the kidney and we cry out for it to get back on duty...the body needs it!

What part of the Body are you?  Do you feel important and needed?  Even if you don't feel important and needed, you are! Stay on duty!  Guard your part of the Body, the whole Body is counting on you.

Let me remind you of how important you are...
isn't this beautiful?

Romans 12:3-8  "Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.  We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.  If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.  If it is serving, let him serve;  if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is mercy, let him do it cheerfully."
vs. 10  "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves."

So many times we discover what spiritual gift God has given us and we criticize each other for not being the same as us.  What if we were all "kidneys", who would be the hands and the feet?  A whole 'body' of 'kidneys' would be useless and dead.  Then again, if I alone had all the giftings, I wouldn't need my brothers and sisters.  I would be self-sufficient.  God designed us to need each other.

How do I discover my spiritual gifts?
First I must be a born-again Believer in Jesus Christ before I will be given a spiritual gift.  As I pray and concentrate on the needs of others I will soon discover what motivates me.    Most Christians fail to understand that spiritual gifts allow them to see the needs that are overlooked by others.  Rather than being frustrated, Christians should see these situations as opportunities to confirm their gifts and use them to help others.  It is important that we do not try to fulfill our spiritual gifts in the energy of our flesh but by the energizing power of the Holy Spirit.

Rewards of Spiritual Gifts:
Knowing that we each have a gift is valuable to the Body of Christ, we are able to achieve a deeper level of self-acceptance and purpose in life.
We see the beauty of each member working together in harmony to form one Body.

Seven gifts are listed above, hopefully I will be able to add a little post about each one soon.

Until then....take care of your part of the Body!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I've been reading a book "Surrender"  by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  

Chapter 3 is called  "A Hole in the Ear:  bondslaves forever".

Christian surrender means that a person lifts his or her hands and says to God, "Here I am; I surrender;  You take over;  I belong to You"!

Josef Tson says:  One (of the subtle changes) came quietly, almost unobserved, through the new versions of the Bible.  Translators did not like the term 'bondslave" to be applied to people.  Who wants to be called somebody's else's slave?  Therefore, they replaced it with "servant".  In the Greek, 'slave' is doulos; and 'servant' is diakonos.   In the Greek Bible one never, never 'diakoneo' to God--one never 'serves' God; one only 'douleo' to God--that is, one 'slaves' to God.
According to Webster's dictionary, a servant is defined as a person employed to perform services for another.  A slave on the other hand, is a human being who is owned as property by and is absolutely subject to the will of another.


In Exodus 21 we are given an interesting example of a bondslave.  On occasion, poverty stricken Jews were forced to sell themselves into service to their fellow Jews.  The law required that they be set free at the end of six years.  In this passage, however, there is an unusual option provided for a servant who had fulfilled his obligation to his master and was due to be released from servitude.

The servant was free to leave.  If, however, he had developed a strong, loving relationship with his master and did not wish to be released from his master's service,  he could make a voluntary choice to become his master's bondslave.  In doing so, he was making a lifetime commitment.  He was surrendering himself and giving up his rights to his master.

The transformation was made in a public ceremony where the surrender was recognized in a visible- and painful way.  A sharp instrument was used to pierce a hold in the servant's ear, signifying obedience to the voice of his master.  

In the New Testament, the apostles Peter and Paul, along with James and Jude all followed in the steps of Jesus and identified themselves as bondslaves (doulos).  

There is no greater calling than to be marked as God's slave-- to choose to give my life in service for the Master I have grown to know, love, and trust.

Can people around me tell who I belong to?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Youth Car Wash

Saturday the youth kids had a car wash/bake sale/fund raiser to assist two of our youth who are heading to Kenya, Africa for a "short term" mission trip.  They will be going with a larger group.  It is quite expensive for them to go but we are thrilled to have youth that desire to go into mission work so we wanted to show our support by assisting them financially and being their prayer partners while they are gone.

The car wash began at 8:00 a.m. and we finally quit at 1:00.  We tried to stop at 12:15 because everyone was getting tired and hungry but the cars kept coming and coming, which we were glad for because a car wash without cars would not be successful!  The kids worked REALLY hard and kept at it the whole time.  You parents should be proud of them!  Some had to work and some had to leave a little early so every hand was needed.

We formed an assembly line beginning with a power washer, scrubbers, rinsers, blowers, dryers, windexers, tire shiners, sign holders and at last the DONATION BUCKET!!   Next we had a canopy with tables of donated baked goods under it and some one to take the money there, too.  Wow, we were so blessed by the yummy looking baked goods that came in!  Again, a baked sale without baked goods cannot be successful!

They raised over $1300. so all were pleased with their success!

Enjoy their pictures....


"Blowers and Dryers"

 "Sign Holders"

 Mouth-watering Baked Goods!

A "Tire Shiner" and a "Windex-er"

and the "Valet-ers"!
We discovered Adam (not pictured here) was our ordained valet guy!

Our Baked Sale Canopy of goodies.

...another natural at "Sign Holding"!

Thanks everyone for a job well done!

I Have No Greater Joy

I feel so blessed to be a mom to four kids who love the Lord and truly desire to follow Him.  
I am so humbled when I think about the kind of life I once lived 
and now see my kids making choices that are so much wiser than mine were.  
I know that all the glory goes to God alone for who they are.  
January 6th we celebrated the birth of our first born son's 22nd birthday!
Where has time gone?
It's been good.... and no, I wouldn't rewind time if I could.  
I have enjoyed each stage of their lives and look forward to the years ahead.

To begin the celebration we enjoyed a delicious, luxurious meal at Red Lobster.
We love Red Lobster but rarely can afford to go there.  
A couple from church blessed us with a gift certificate to Red Lobster
which made it possible for us to go.  Several of the other kids paid for their own so that 
also kept our bill down.
We were honored to have Grandpa and Grandma Weaver join us, too.
It's always special to have them join us.

Hope Fellowship was having Revival Meetings with Dave Miller so we were planning to go there after dinner.  We thought church started at 7:30 and knew it would push us to get done eating by then.  Dustin was late coming home from work, we had to wait in line for awhile at the restaurant, and then found out that church started at 7:00 instead of 7:30 so, we missed church.  

The youth had a surprise party planned for Dustin afterwards so we had to delay him as long as we could at the restaurant.  Finally we decided to go to Walmart and "help" Kyle buy what he needed for the youth car wash (next post).  We were sure Dustin was going to get suspicious that we insisted that we ALL go to Walmart shopping but he just went along with our plans, which is pretty typical of his personality ever since he was little.  He was never one to raise a big fuss if things didn't go his way but just accepted life as it came.

FINALLY it was time to take him home where the surprise awaited and SURPRISE they did! The youth had all parked at a nearby vacant lot so he wouldn't see their vehicles.  As he arrives home and is obliviously walking in, jabbering away to KaShondra, suddenly streams of silly string and shouts of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" come from all directions!  Three of the guys were on the roof and got him good while others came running around the corners of the house!  To say he was surprised would be an under statement!

A camp fire was already burning in the back yard, hot dogs, cupcakes, s'mores, etc. were the topping on the evening.  Instead of gifts they all donated some money, wadded it up individually, and mixed it with paper confetti, yarn balls, sprayed it with some horrible smelling "old lady" perfume and gave it to him to put towards a new guitar.  He plays guitar quite a bit for the youth and at church sometimes.  The guitar he has was given to him quite a few years ago so a new one would be in order. He was overwhelmed with their generosity! 

You are never too old for "under ducks"!

A firecracker was buried in a hot dog and "roasted" over the fire where 
of course, the girls were calmly visiting!
Not naming names here, but moms, you may recognize your son's shirts here.
(Mm-hmm, yes NY mom, you, too!  )

The guys are standing back, gagging, sputtering, and coughing from the "old lady" perfume smell.
 a purple piggy bank stuffed with yarn balls and one dollar bills!

What great joy to have a whole group of kids who love to have fun and know how to bless each other!

(Any moms identify shirts with heads yet?!) ha!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Eve Youth Lock In

Palm Grove Youth Kids host a "Lock-in" for all area youth every New Years Eve.  This year approx. 175 kids attended.  It is a fun evening of volleyball, pizza, chips, etc. and lots of coffee, hot chocolate, and soda.  It was pretty chilly this year so us youth leaders enjoyed the warmth of the fire, along with the youth.  It's pretty hard to have a "lock in" in a ball field but the gates were locked from 10:30 to 12:00 and everyone honored it.  Reggie did a good job of handling the mic and getting everyone organized on a team for volleyball.  He also had jokes he would entertain us with occasionally.  His jokes led to a "lame joke" contest around the fire.  We found out that at 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. jokes can get quite lame!
The Steve Stutzman family ministered to us around 11:00 through music and testimony.   Steve shared some very thought provoking challenges which we will remember for a long time.  This year the youth committee had requested that it be a lock in for youth only so hopefully no married folks were offended.  They love that the married people have New Years parties, too, but felt it was becoming two parties in one ball field.  We ordered 56 pizzas from Domino's, served about 150 cups of coffee, lots of hot chocolate but not too many cold sodas.

I was blessed to see a field full of youth who were looking for some good, clean fun on New Year's Eve and who listened attentively while Steve shared the Gospel!  I pray God's blessing on them in 2012!

(By the way, the last group of youth left after 4:30 a.m. so us "old folks" got home around 5:00 a.m.!)

Palm Grove Welcoming Committee (they also collected the entry fee of $5.00)

Worship and Message amidst the fog
(something eerily special about this)

May God bless each of you in 2012, too!
Who knows, this may be the year Jesus returns!!