Together as One

Together as One

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart....

JR left this morning to help his parents drive home from PA.  They have been gone for the summer so we all look forward to them coming home again!  We can hardly believe it is almost October already and we are loving the feel of fall in the air! 

School is going good.  We are studying some very interesting subjects and if we stay right at it we are normally done in two hours (sometimes more).  What a privilege to be involved in your children's education.  At their ages it is quite easy to do school with them and as you can see "Riley" loves to be close by while they school! 

Note Riley's nest in the back!  Pathetic, I know!

All done!

While JR is gone for several days I am freezing and canning some chicken.  InterCity Meats has boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale this week for $1.52 a pd.   My dear mother and sister usually gift me every year with a box or two of canned chicken (which we appreciate so much) but I feel rather guilty for not canning it myself so "city girl" decided to try to do it herself.  After numerous phone calls to them to make sure I am doing it right, a canner is now cooking away and several packages are in the freezer.  Our family loves chicken fixed in multiple ways so we were happy with ICM's sale.

We are still working hard, in our spare time (whatever that is), on our camper.  The inside is improving but still has a ways to go.  The upholstery on the benches around the table was in pretty bad shape so I re-upholstered them....turned out okay but I am glad I don't have to make a living at upholstery.  JR had to move the kitchen cabinets around abit to make them all work together and that is looking nice.  The bottom set needs redone really bad, too, but that will have to wait for a later date and until it can fit in the budget.
We are hoping to take it on a 'trial run' before our church campout weekend.

In our youth girls' Bible Study and our Ladies' Discipleship Class we have been talking about "Assurance of Salvation" and "Profession of Salvation".  We are looking particularly at I John and the evidences of salvation he mentions there.  God certainly left no room for 'hating' a Christian brother or sister and has some pretty strong words to describe those who do. (liar, murderer at heart, walking in darkness, not in truth)  While none of us would ever admit we 'hate' someone, we often justify our feelings/words by saying we love the person, we just don't like how they act.  Sometimes we say unkind things that hurt way down deep inside.  It makes me wonder if our words sometimes fall under God's category of 'hate'. 
I was further challenged by our SS Lesson this Sunday:  Strife and quarreling often divided God's people and ruined their testimony to the ungodly.  As someone once said, "Many people will never listen to what any believer says because of what some believers are." 
And our SS verse:  "And Abram said unto Lot,  Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee; and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we are brethren."

I am challenging myself to a fast from any unkind words about anyone.  Can I do a 30-day fast?  (I know it needs to last much longer than 30 days, but 30 days will be a good start.) 

 Anyone want to join me?

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