What is spiritual complacency?
Complacency is a feeling of satisfaction with how things are; not wanting to make things better; being in a rut. How many of us find ourselves with that being the description of our spiritual lives? Or maybe we desire for things to be different but are too spiritually lazy to change?
Apathy is a loss of interest and passion in making a change.
First I received a ‘rhema’ from God…something I needed to hear. It may not have stood out to anyone else but it lit up my spirit immediately.
II Chron. 7:12b “I have heard thy prayer,
and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice.”
There are some things I have been praying and it felt like this was a special word from the Lord just for me. He not only said “I have heard thy prayer” but more… “I have chosen this place.” While I have no idea what all God’s plans are, I know He has great plans and He is stirring us in a new way once again.
“If My people who are called by My Name…” that would be me, and hopefully you.
“Shall humble themselves…“ that would be me; He’s not pointing to someone else that I feel “um-hmm, sure hope they see that.” Me...humble myself.
“And pray….” again, me. Seriously, how much time do I spend in actual prayer? Before I pat myself on the back, I challenge myself to keep a written record sometime of how much time I actually spend in prayer.
“And seek My face…” If I actually seek the face of God, I would quickly see myself as He sees me. And what does He see when He sees me? Nothing hidden… He sees the thoughts of my mind, the intents of my heart, the words I don’t say…
“And turn from my/your wicked ways…” Surely if I call myself by Christ’s name, etc, etc, etc, I am not walking in wicked ways! Humbly seeking the face of God and turning from my wicked ways. Are there areas where I outright defy the Word of God? Perhaps even boldly outwardly or perhaps boldly inwardly?
“THEN….” the great condition. It’s up to me, and you, to meet the prior conditions.
Oh, hallelujah!
“THEN..... He will hear,
He will forgive, and He will heal.”
Jesus’ Teachings are
I was challenged out of Revelation through the letters to the 7 churches; even though time ran out before all 7 churches could be looked at. Here are a few, fast challenges that were given to us as he skimmed the top of these churches:
Rev. 2:2-7 The Church at Ephesus:
They were a hard-working church, they did not tolerate false teaching, they labored and had not fainted. They were doing all the right things and yet Jesus said, “I have something against you….you have lost your first love.” Christ was no longer the center of their lives and hearts.
The question was asked: “What if I followed you around for a whole week, looked at your phone, your ipad (computer), listened to your conversations, etc…Would it be very clear that Christ is the center of your life?” My mind immediately began to replay my past week….
Rev. 2:8-11 The Church at Smyrna:
They were the suffering church. They weren’t just survivors, they were overcomers. Overcomers have a testimony. Where is my testimony? My witness of Christ working in my life? Is it possibly that many do not have a testimony/a witness because…. Jesus is not doing anything in their lives? Are many just professors of Christ but not really followers?
Rev. 2:12-17 The Church at Pergamos
What is the doctrine of Balaam that this church was holding? In Numbers Balaam taught the Midianite women to seduce the Israelite men; and there were corrupt teachers who were deceiving believers to compromise.
This church appears to confess Christ; had the right theology, but their actions didn’t follow as true Followers of Christ. Could that be me? Do I confess Christ, have my theology correct, but my actions, words, and priorities would prove otherwise?
Rev. 2:18-29 The Church at Thyatira
They had works, charity, service, faith, and patience but they tolerated a Jezebel woman, a prophetess, to teach and seduce them. They were a tolerating church. The question was asked “Has the Word of God, or Christ Himself, taken a back seat in our lives?” Why do so many (of us?) no longer believe what we used to believe? Is it because the Scripture no longer means what it says? I have listened and read some things recently on why different things are not wrong and was agonized by the twisting and manipulating of Scripture to prove the point, at the exclusion of other Scriptures. But wait, this is for me, not pointing to someone else…What Scriptures have I ignored, left out, excluded?
Rev. 3:1-6 The Church at Sardis
This was a church…it had a reputation for “Being Alive”, yet Jesus said they were dead. What does it mean when a church has a reputation for “being alive”? It’s a good thing for a church to be alive….in Christ! Today I think we associate ‘being alive’ with loud music, loud worship, dramatized preaching, and lately I’ve been hearing a lot about ‘prophetic words‘. Is there anything wrong with loud music, worship, preaching with passion, and prophetic words? Absolutely not…but those alone do not indicate an alive church. Anyone can create drama. Anyone can move a crowd. Anyone can manipulate emotions. Anyone can come up with ‘prophetic words’. It doesn’t necessarily take a move of the Spirit to do that. God calls it “dead” if it‘s created by man. Yikes!
And yet….
when the Spirit is present,
when God is truly ALIVE in my heart,
there will be evidence of LIFE.
…and time ran out before he got to the other churches but I’ve been challenged and have enough to meditate on for all week.
What is my testimony?
If you had free access to every area of my life….
Would it be clear that I am a true Follower of Christ
and the HE is the CENTER of my life?
and the HE is the CENTER of my life?
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