Together as One

Together as One

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Garden is Growing!

It's growing so beautifully!   Everytime I go out to look at it, I see a miracle!  I do not have a green thumb by any stretch of the imagination so I see God and I believe in miracles! 
 Actually I am a miracle!  I was thinking last night how God is my Master Gardener and when God takes a person and transforms him from a life of sin to a life or righteousness....that is a miracle!  Our family goes out periodically to check on the are the plants doing? Are there any signs of disease, blight, bugs, ....are the plants doing okay?  That is like God as He checks on me to catch the first signs of 'disease'/sin in my heart and when He does He immediately gives it His full attention....He doesn't want it to spread.  We also pull out the weeds in the garden while they are small, before they affect the plants in a negative way.  God wants to root out sin in my heart while it is small, before it damages my heart and affects those around me.  We even placed wires around our tomato plants to show them where to grow, we put in poles and tied the plants to the poles, restricting them and giving them direction.  God puts guide-wires around me *gasp* yep, might as well call them rules.  He has a plan and He restricts *gasp again* what I can and cannot do.  I didn't put these wires and poles around my plants to make their lives miserable but to help them grow to the best of their ability, to produce the most fruit.  Same with God, He doesn't give me rules and restrictions to make my life miserable but to bring the most fruit and glory from my life.  My plants probably chafed a little as I moved their whole bodies and stood them up straight and tied them to the poles.  I wasn't really too concerned about their chafing as I gently moved them.  So with God, as He gently moves me to where I can grow the best, sometimes I chafe and I complain and I don't agree with all He says, but He really isn't too concerned about what I disagree with or what rules I don't like because He sees the big all things He works for my good.....He is my Creator God.  Who am I, the created, to tell the Creator how to do things?  

Sunday night we watched a dvd at church:  "How Great is our God" by Lou Gigilio.  If you haven't watched it before I highly recommend you take the time to watch it.  
You will be in awe at how great our God really is.  Mr. Giglio said he used to advice God, draw plans out for Him, counsel Him, and sometimes even tell Him how He should or shouldn't do things until He realized the greatness of God.  How backwards I can get things sometimes!  He also shared how sin has a way of bringing God down to in size and puffing the flesh up in size. 
 But the wonder of it all is that this gi-normous God, Creator of this huge universe, 
knows each one of us intimately/personally!

East side of garden:  front row-cauliflower, radishes, strawberries, sweet onions, and tomatoes in back.

West side:  front-sweet peas, radishes, green peppers, green onions, and more tomatoes.

my spinning cucumber:

This garden is also a "memory garden" of our family pet, Tuffy, 
who passed away this summer.  
He was our pet for 11 years and was a part of many memories we have 
as a family.  We were all very attached to him and believe
he was the very pet God picked out for our family to enjoy.
He is gone but not forgotten.

Row of radishes

Strawberries....I would like a whole garden of these!


May you enjoy your Master Gardener today, too.
Allow Him to move you and change you...even re-position or transplant you if He wants to.
He loves you and wants to make you fruitful and productive.
Bloom where He has planted you!

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks awesome. I am in the process of cleaning mine off because of the killing frost. I will take a break until next spring.
