Together as One

Together as One

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Green Salve

Our latest project is Green Salve, similar to Eden Salve.  It is made from an organic mixture of herbs:  plantain leaf, calendula flower, comfrey leaf, yarrow flower, rosemary leaf, echinacea leaf, and echinacea root., organic beeswax, olive oil, and a couple drops of vitamin E for a preservative.  It stays good for five years.

Green Salve is used for insect bites and itchies of many kinds.

Fill a mason jar 2/3 full of herbs, fill one inch from the top with oil and keep warm in crock pot for three days.

Stain through cheesecloth and add beeswax and vitamin E to herb-infused oil.
Herb-infused oil without beeswax makes an excellent massage oil.

Pour into containers

We have prepared a batch to sell at Pinecraft Days this weekend, along with Erica's homemade lotion.

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