Together as One

Together as One

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Miracle Rose

Now to most of you 'green-thumbers' out there you will not be able to relate to this at all! 
An important gene of my mother's, grandmother's and some sister's was not passed on to me.  The gift of a green thumb.  I am not able to grow nice plants....I kill them everytime!  And the harder I try; the more I kill.  I have determined to follow instructions and to grow real plants in my house and outside but determination doesn't cut it.  My dear hubs kind of shuttters when I try to garden any of our landscaping.  :)  I have tried watering, under-watering, over-watering, talking, spraying with organic, non-toxic things and......still death.

My dear mother-in-law had a dwarf rose that I volunteered to watch for her while they are gone for the summer.  I told her it was a very risky thing to do and gave her no warranties on it's life when she returns...but she trusted me.  By some miraculous work of God it has bore three roses so far!  I am ecstatic!  Check this out!

My hope has been renewed and yes, that is an african violet next to it which is blooming, too! Amazing!

I am so thrilled with my black thumb possibly turning green that we are considering putting in some raised garden beds soon.  I have some good friends, who are great gardeners, to whom I can go to for counsel and I know Dad and Mom will take over when they come this winter.  When we were up north and I saw the beauty of their gardens I was moved to do some gardening here, too.  After all, we can have three gardens a year here if we know what we are doing.  And fresh vegetables from our own garden sounds so much more appealing than from the store. 

 So from all you Florida gardeners....I need your advice on what to plant when and where.

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